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Cabbage is a part of the cruciferous vegetable family and enjoys a similar appearance to lettuce. Vegetables like kale, broccoli, and cabbage are known to be rich in beneficial nutrients. It has multiple health benefits as it protects you against radiation and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Cabbage comes in a wide variety of green, red, and purple colors, and the leaves can be either smooth or a bit wrinkled. If you are a health freak, you should love this vegetable as ½ cup of cooked cabbage contains only 20 calories.
Gardening Tips for Cabbage that Actually Work
Cabbage plants are known to be fast growers, and they become ready to harvest in just about two months after the seedlings come out. It is to be remembered that the cabbage is a cool-weather plant, and it grows best in late summer. However, these plants can be planted in spring also.
History of Cabbage
Cabbage has been in cultivation for more than a thousand years now. The non-heading cabbage was cultivated in Europe almost 3000 years ago, while it was cultivated in China nearly 4000 years ago. Cabbage was widely grown across the world by the time the Roman and the Greek dynasties came into existence.
It was an item of luxury in the Roman Empire, and many believed it was much better than other vegetables. Cabbage also has medicinal values as it gives you relief from headaches and gout.
Benefits of Cabbage
There are many benefits of cabbage, and it is a good idea to incorporate them into your daily diet. Contrary to popular belief, oranges are not the only way to get your daily dose of Vitamin C. Cabbage has a considerable amount of this nutrient, and the cabbage family is also known to have immense immune benefits.
The vegetable also has loads of fiber and is often considered a great option if you are looking for a great low-calorie option. Many people would not think cabbage to be a heart-friendly food, but it has remarkable anti-inflammatory benefits since this is a cruciferous vegetable. The vegetable is highly recommended for individuals who are at risk of heart disease.
Basic Cabbage Facts
The cabbage seed germinates best when it is exposed to a constant temperature of 65 to 70 degrees F. The seeds will usually sprout within four days. If it does not get the optimum temperature, the seeds can take as many as fourteen days to germinate. It is important to note that the germination process will be slower in cooler climates and faster in warmer temperatures.
The growing of cabbage is hugely dependent on the type of area where it is planted. For example, if it is grown in the hills, the crop can be planted from January to February, July to August, and September to October. But, if the crop is being planted in the plains, then the most suitable season would be from August to November.
The ideal temperature for successfully growing cabbage is 60 to 65 degrees F. The best part of the cabbages is that they can succeed at low temperatures of 45 degrees and tolerate temperatures as high as 80 degrees F. The cabbage requires a growing season of 65 to 95 days.
The cabbage yield varies a bit as it depends on the maturity group and season of cultivation. There will not be just one new head, but several, usually three or four, but sometimes as many as six smaller heads will grow up around the rim of the original plant's stub.
Cabbage is usually had as a main dish and even as a healthy side dish. There is no right or wrong way to eat cabbage to be creative and make your recipes. One can steam the cabbage for a healthy side dish or fry the cabbage leaves to enjoy it in crispy form. You can also try out Irish meals by cooking a plate of corned beef and the vegetable.
Gardening Tips for Cabbage: Soil
Cabbage is mainly cultivated on sandy and heavy soils that are rich in organic matter. It is good to remember that the early crops always prefer light soil while the late crops thrive well in heavy soils as there is good retention of moisture. The pH range ideally should be between 6.0 and 6.5 as it is considered perfect for growing cabbage.
The planting season for cabbage is rather long. Suppose you are wondering when to plant cabbage? It is essential to understand that different variety of cabbage mature at different times, which means one can enjoy a harvest throughout the year.
Sow cabbage seeds a ½ inch deep spaced 1 inch (2.5cm) apart; thin plants to 18 to 24 inches (45-61cm) apart. Transplant cabbage to the garden when plants are 4 to 6 weeks old with 4 to 5 true leaves.
Gardening Tips for Cabbage: Plant Care
Cabbage is known to be a heavy feeder, so it is essential to fertilize cabbage every three weeks. A nitrogen-rich fertilizer should be used in first feeding as a cabbage would need loads of nitrogen in the early stages of the growing cycle.
One must also employ the concept of crop rotation as one should never plant cabbage in the same place as in the last year to avoid any soil-borne diseases.
Harvesting Cabbage
The most successful technique for harvesting cabbage is cutting. Cut at the lowest point possible, leaving the loose outer leaves attached to the stalk. This will allow for a later cabbage harvest of sprouts which will grow on the stem after the cabbage head is removed.
Enjoying Cabbage
Cabbage is a highly nutritious vegetable that has lots of nutrients. Raw cabbage is often used in salads and sandwiches and is extremely popular in picnics and BBQ. Cabbages are also used in pickles and can be served as steamed, braised, and sauteed.
Easy Cabbage Recipe
This is a delicious cabbage recipe that comes from the Ukraine. It is a fairly easy-to-make traditional dish that is beyond tasty. Get your recipe of stuffed cabbage leaves here and surprise your loved ones.